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Early on from the birth of the idea to create a new center for Judaism in Wuerzburg the project has met positive and generours reactions from many institutions and private sponsors. Public and institutional sponsoring was provided for instance from: .



Bayerische  Landesstiftung


Bayerische Staatsregierung


Bayerischer Sparkassen- und Giroverband


Bezirk Unterfranken


Programm IZZB of the Federal Government


Diocese Wuerzburg


Evangelisch-Lutherische Kirchen in Bayern


Gesellschaft fuer christlich-juedische Zusammenarbeit in Wuerzburg und Unterfranken


Members of Industrie- und Handelskammer Wuerzburg-Schweinfurt


Ost-West-Fonds des Zentralrats der Juden in Deutschland


Ronald S. Lauder Foundation.



Substantial help also came through private donations, especially with the fund raising initiative „Ein Stein für die Steine”. The aim of this initiative was to secure a worthy surrounding fort the „Judensteine aus der Pleich“ and thus a base on which living Judaism in Wuerzburg and Lower Franconia could be built.

The Gesellschaft fuer christlich-juedische Zusammenarbeit in Wuerzburg und Unterfranken e.V. , founded in 1962, was always among the most loyal supporters of the project. There the idea was born to found an Initiativkreis assisting the Jewish community in its efforts to erect a new community and cultural center. he project was soon named”Shalom Europa” .



In addition to public and legally allocated funds the project Shalom Europa relies on grants and donations.


Donations for "Shalom Europa"

can be paid into the following accounts:


HypoVereinsbank Würzburg DE 22 7902 0076 0347 3576 42 Fürstlich Castell'sche Bank DE 90 7903 0001 0002 0032 77



„Ein Stein für die Steine”


If one wants to remember dead loved ones, visit their graves, one places a stone on the grave. The message: The dead are not forgotten.


Shalom Europa invites to such a symbolic act of commemoration. The idea is to assist the Jewish Community of Wuerzburg and Lower Frankonia in providing a permanent place for the world’s largest collection of Jewish gravestones from medieval times. At the same time these gravestones help to revitalize a Jewish communty with a proud tradition such as in Wuerzburg.


The gravestones are relics of a Jewish cemetary which were rediscovered in 1987 in the remnants of a medieval nunnery in the Pleich quarter of Wuerzburg. Named after their place of discovery as „Judensteine aus der Pleich” they have become a fascinating focus of interest well beyond local and communal research.


More than 1500 of these stones from between 1126 and 1346 have been salvaged and by now been meticulously registered and cleaned. Their inscriptions – inspite of age and the history of past misuse of the stones– are surprisingly







"Ein Stein für die Steine"

als PDF.

STATEMENTS Shalomeuropa

"Erwartungen und Hoffnungen"

als PDF.

Dokumentation der Einweihung von

Shalom Europa am 23. Oktober 2006

als PDF

Jewish community of wuerzburg and lower frankonia
Copyright © 2005 Shalom Europa

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